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.In her mind, huge pink flowers and ruffles didn’t shout prestigious charity event.The voluminous, floor-length skirt and spaghetti straps also made her think sundress.She was attempting to disguise her growing tummy, not dress for a stroll in the park.“But maybe a little too casual.”“Really? I wore it to Hank’s company’s holiday party last year.”Her mother would, and pay no heed to the stares.Dallas wanted to attract the attention of the AAWA directors in a good way, not have them gawk at her.If all went as she hoped, they would authorize her for more shoots.She lived by what she’d preached to Conner: it wasn’t what you knew but who you knew.“This one’s nice.” She lifted a pale gold cocktail dress with a considerably more demure neckline.“It seems a little underwhelming.” Marina frowned slightly.And precisely what Dallas was looking for.“But with the right jewelry and shoes, I can fancy it up.”She’d come to her mother’s house in the hopes of finding a suitable dress from Marina’s easy-breezy wardrobe.At nearly three months pregnant, Dallas had entered the stage where her own clothes were too snug, but she wasn’t quite ready for maternity outfits.Neither was she about to purchase a dress she’d likely wear once or twice.“I’m going to try it on.” She slipped into the adjoining master bathroom and changed.“I take it back,” Marina exclaimed when Dallas emerged a few minutes later.“The dress is you.”Dallas preened in front of the mirrored closet door, agreeing with her mother.The tight, high-waisted bodice and loose skirt camouflaged her tummy while still giving her an hourglass silhouette.“I have just the necklace.” Marina went to her dresser.Dallas waited for her to return with some gaudy, oversize bangles.Instead, she was handed a dainty emerald pendant and delicate gold chain.“Where did you get this?” She turned the pendant over in her palm, admiring the glittering stones.“Your father.”“I’ve never seen you wear it.” Or had any idea that Marina owned such a treasure.“I didn’t want to upset Hank by flaunting jewelry my ex-husband bought me.”“It’s exquisite.” Dallas fastened the chain around her neck.“Oh, my,” Marina exclaimed softly, staring at Dallas’s reflection.“Mom, I don’t care if Hank gets mad.” Dallas touched the pendant, hanging just below her collarbone.“You should wear this.”“You wear it.And keep it.I always meant to give you the necklace one day.It’s much more your style than mine.”“Thank you.” Dallas hugged her mother tightly.She had nothing of her father’s, hadn’t seen or talked to him in years.The necklace would stir the few fond memories she had of him.“You’re welcome, sweetheart.”She turned back to the mirror and touched the pendant again.“Dad had his faults.Bad taste in jewelry wasn’t one of them.”“He tried.One of his mistakes was thinking tokens of affection could take the place of real affection.That’s what I love about Hank.”“He’s affectionate?”“Very.”Apparently only when they were alone, because Dallas couldn’t ever remember seeing Hank sweep her mother into a passionate embrace or hold her hand while they walked.Conner had done both with Dallas, and much more.“Why did you marry Dad?” She wasn’t sure she’d asked the question before.“We were a lot alike.Both artists.I sculpted, he played guitar.We were convinced we could impact the world with our art.Sometimes I think we were too alike.Hank’s solid.Dependable.He keeps me on course.That’s why I thought you and Richard were such a good match.”He and Hank were definitely cut from similar cloth.What about Conner? He seemed to Dallas a combination of both types.Solid and dependable, but with an adventurous side.Like the wild mustangs he trained.As if reading her mind, her mother said, “Conner’s one lucky man.”“Why’s that?”“He’ll be with the prettiest girl at the dinner.”“It’s not like.We’re just friends, Mom.”“Tell me you don’t find him attractive.”“I’m having a baby.He isn’t going to date a pregnant woman.”“Isn’t that his decision to make?”“And mine.”“Then why did you invite him to the event, if not to start something?”Dallas fiddled with the necklace clasp, finally securing it.“Because I need an escort.And he owns a suit.”“You like him.You always have.And he likes you.”“As friends,” she repeated.“That’s a good basis for a relationship.A couple should be friends before they’re lovers.”“Being lovers with Conner is the furthest thing from my mind!”Such a bald-faced lie.What would her mother say if she found out about the kiss? Kisses!She’d accuse Dallas of having feelings for Conner, and she’d be right.Feelings that could and would go nowhere.“Don’t sell Conner short,” Marina said.“He’s made of stronger stuff than most men.Personally, I don’t think your pregnancy will deter him.”“It will deter him.Every time he looks at me, he’ll be reminded of Richard.” Of her and Richard together.“Hank courted me when I had two small children.He didn’t think about your father when he looked at me.” Marina’s lips curled into a playful smile.“I made sure of it.You can do the same with Conner.”Why hadn’t she been born to a more inhibited mother?“I could, if we were interested in each other.Which we’re not.” If she said it enough, maybe she’d start to believe it.“Well—” Marina unzipped the dress “—I can guarantee, if Conner hasn’t been thinking about being your lover before, he will certainly start once he sees you in this.”“Mom!”“Just stating a fact.”Dallas took another look at herself in the mirror, recalled Conner’s mouth taking possession of hers.Felt his hands mold themselves to her hips.Yes, Conner would see her in this dress and want her.As usual, her mother was right.* * *BY CONNER’S ESTIMATION, about two hours of daylight remained.If he and Javier didn’t find the mare and colt by dark, they’d have to return to the ranch empty-handed.This was Conner’s second venture into the mountains in the last two days.He had Dallas to thank for that.Her photos of the injured mare appeared everywhere online, generating hundreds of thousands of hits.The story had spread across the Southwest and as far east as Oklahoma.As a result, the ranch phone had been ringing off the hook with reported sightings.Only a few were legit.The most promising one had come from the pilot of a low-flying plane on his descent into the Scottsdale Airport.He’d supposedly spotted the mare and colt not far from Tom Thumb, a favorite picnic and rest spot for trail riders [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]